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Kreis Greifenberg- A Kreis of the Duchy of Pommern



 Words sometimes found in Polish correspondence:

akt - certificate
archiwum - record
babka - grandmother
chlopiec (slash thru l) - boy
co'rka - (tsoor-ka) - daughter
drzewo genealogicgne - family tree
dziadek - grandpa
dzieci - (dzhe-chee) - children
dziecko - (dzhets-ko) - child, baby
dziewica - virgin or maiden
dzieko - youngster
dziejowy - historical, historic
dziekuje - thanks
imie - given name
jedmoczesnie - (yed-no-gwosh-ne) also, simultaneous
juz (dot over z) (yoozh) - already, by now
kobieta - (ko-bye-ta) female 
- wife
koscielny - (kosh-chel-ni) - of church
kosiol (slant line thru l) - church
kosztowac (kosh-tov-ac) - cost
kwota - (kvo-ta) - amount, amount of money
lata - (la-ta) - years
malzenstwa (slash thru l, dot over z and n) refers to marriage
matka - (mat-ka) - mother 
matka chrzestna (mat-ka chrzestna) godmother
maz -  (2 dots over z) - (mownish) - man or husband
mezczyna (dot above first z) - male  
-  married man
namiastka  (na-myast-ka) - substitute 
nazwisko -(naz-vee-sko) -  family name
Nazwisko rodowe  - birth name
Nie rozumiem - I don't understand
niemiecki - german
odpowiadac (mark over c) - (od-po-vya-dach) -  answer tona - (na) - on, upon, syn - (san) - son nasz - (nash) -  our


ojciec -(oy-chets) - father
ojciec chrzestny (oy-chyets khzhest-ni) - godfather
oraz - (o-raz) - as well as
Pani - (pa-nee) - you - lady
para - (pa-ra) - couple
Polska - Poland
pomoc - help, assist
pomorski - Pomeranian
porodzic (po-ra-dzjecj_ - advise
prosze (pro-shan) - please
prabca - great grandmother
przodek - ancestor
przodjiwue - ancestry
rodenstwo (ro-dzenstvo) - siblings
rodzinny - (ro-dzhee-na) - family
slubu - marriage 
Stan - (stan) - condition, status
swiadectwo slubu - marriage certificate
szarza (dot over last z) calavary or military
umarly (slash thru l) - deceased, dead
uiscic (oo-eesh-cheech) - bill, remit, pay  up 
udzielac (oo-dzhe-lach)   give, apply, grant, pay authentication
urodzenia - birth
urzedowy -(oo-zhan-do-vi) official document
w - (v) - in, into, at
Warszawa - Warsaw
wdowa or wdowiec - widow or widower
wykonana - (vi-ko-nach) - execute, do, perform, carry out
z - (z) - with, off, together, at, for, by or in
zapis - record, registration
zgonu - death
znak - (snak) - mark or sign
znany -(zna-ni) - known, familiar, well known
zona - (dot over z) - wife;  lajwz (slash thru l) - wives

Some Polish Pronunciations

Polish English pronounciation German Aussprache
ch same as h in happy  


as the English ch in church entspricht dem deutschen tsch in Peitsc


as the English j in jam  


as the g in the English girl as the g in girl


as the English y in yet  

l with slash  through

as the English w in win  

N~ n~

kind of like "ni" in "onion"

o sounding much like oo in book as the o in open
rz same as s in treasure  


as the English s in sit entspricth dem deutschen ß as in reißen


as the English sh in shine entspricht dem deutschen sch


as the English v in van entspricht dem deutschen w

with dot above

as the English s in pleasure woe s. aber die Stimmänder schwin


same as above wie j in Journal
z same as in street  



German Form Letter (to be used in writing to German archives)


  1. After the word "über", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "geboren", his birth date, and after "in", his place of birth.
  2. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States , a money order or foreign bank draft and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office). See Sending Money Overseas.
  3. Address envelope to
    Standesamt (Staatsarchiv or Stadtarchiv) der Stadt (town)
    Street Number
    Postal-Code Town


German Letter:


Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr!

Zur Vervollständigung meiner Familiengeschichte benötige ich nähere amtliche Angaben über die Familie des/der ____________, geboren am _________________ in ___________.

Ich bitte Sie freundlichst um Übersendung eines vollständigen Auszuges aus Ihrem Geburts-/ Heirats-/ Sterberegister zur vorstehend genannten Person.

Sollte es Ihnen möglich sein, mir ebenfalls Auszüge über Geburt, Heirat oder Tod seiner/ihrer Eltern anzufertigen, die im gleichen Ort gewohnt haben sollen, so wäre ich Ihnen auch für diese Hilfe sehr dankbar.

Zur Deckung Ihrer Geböhren lege ich $15 bei. Sollten Ihnen weitere Auslagen entstehen, so bitte ich Sie, mir dies mitzuteilen.

Für Ihre Hilfe danke ich Ihnen herzlich im voraus.


Your name


English Translation:



In order to complete my family history, I am in need of more precise official data on the family of _________ born _______________ in _____________________.

I would kindly like to ask you to send me a complete excerpt from your birth-/ marriage-/ death registers for the person mentioned above.

Should you be able to let me have, in addition, the birth-, marriage- or death records of his/her parents, who are said to have lived in the same place, I would be most grateful for your assistance in this matter.

To cover your fees, I am enclosing $15. Should you incur additional expenses, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sincerely yours,

Your name



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